Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)

Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)


Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)

Don’t let the title fool you, this high school drama is no tear-jerk after-school-special. This independent low budget film is as well directed, acted, and written as any film you are likely to see and my favorite this year.

Me/Earl/Girl chronicles two high school co-workers (not friends) who dabble in creating mash-up versions of classic movies. Their lives are thrown into chaos when Greg’s mom, Greg is the titular Me, ask him to spend some time with fellow classmate Rachel (the girl). Greg is a likable enough fellow that spends his time trying not to get noticed by anyone at school, and simultaneously being mesmerized by the cute girl Madison. His strategy of keeping everyone at arms length fails miserably when he and Earl befriend and comfort Rachel.

The overall plot of ME/Earl/Girl is nothing novel, but rather the fresh spin, the great characters, and trope-less writing are surprisingly fresh. Just when you think you are heading down a well trodden path it jogs to the left leaving you surprised and delighted.

This is still showing in some theaters around Columbus, see it before it is gone. Little movies like this never get the press they deserve, so go see it and spread the word.

Rated PG – 13 for sexual content, drug material, language and some thematic elements. [rating=4]

One thought on “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl (2015)

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